Maemo Leste on the Droid 4
PinePhone Hardware - Early Impressions
After almost a week playing with the Pine64 PinePhone I want to share some overall impressions. As software is at least partially not quite adapted to this new 1.2 hardware revision, I will limit myself to the hardware for this post and proceed from the outside to the inside.
Unboxing the PinePhone UBports Community Edition
Two days ago I unboxed my Pine64 PinePhone:
Welcome to (again)!
For quite some time — since Purism announced their Librem 5 crowdfunder in 2017 — I have been thinking about bringing this blog back, that had been downgraded to a category in my personal blog.
Switching Phones without wanting to
Notes from LNLs Todd Weaver Interview
On Episode 57 (published Feb. 19th, 2019) of the Late Night Linux podcast Purism CEO Todd Weaver was interviewed by podcast host Joe Ressington. Below is a brief summary in bullet points:
Necunos NC_1 or a Lunchbox Smartphone?