It's sunday. Now what happened since last sunday?

A new release of #HuongTramLinux, GloDroid 0.5.1, Camera Adventures and much more. Commentary in italics.

Software releases and improvements

Worth reading

Worth watching

Stuff I did

  • I published two videos that cover Manjaro ARM on the PinePhone with Lomiri and Phosh, and a blog post on the new features GNOME 3.38 brings. Also, I started uploading my videos to a platform that is not YouTube, adjusting loudness on the way. This process can hopefully be finished in the next week.
  • Back to Manjaro Lomiri: After making that video, I managed to get Plasma Mobile apps to work by installing breeze and editing their .desktop files (in /usr/share/applications): Adding env QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=2 QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=breeze between Exec= and the command to execute the app made them work just fine (short video). Also, the terminal can be fixed by just choosing the monospace font in the settings of the app.
  • Another thing that can hopefully be (initially) finished next week is a new "How to …" page that explains basic stuff for the PinePhone by linking to helpful content on this blog and elsewhere.
  • Back to last week: On Tuesday I listened live to Linux Unplugged and took part in the Mumble room before and after the show. I did so on my PinePhone (running Arch Linux ARM by danct12) using the "convergence dongle", my Thinkpad USB keyboard and my USB audio interface. Phosh is not really great at convergence yet and there is at least one known issue that is being worked on. I hope I can find the time to write about how to get to "convergence" and also try sway instead of phosh for convergence soon. Other people have had good results with GNOME shell, but that might be a bit heavy for the limited hardware.
  • Three apps have been added to the LINMOBapps list: Social, Workflow and hackgregator.