Will Linux Phones stay around this time?
While working through the old posts in order to adjust the front matter (and sometimes more), I thought: Will this last? Or will this go south soon, like it did around with previous projects again? A recent reddit post reinforced this line of thought, so I decided to write down my thoughts on the issue.
Bringing back old content
Since I restarted this blog in 2020, I aimed to bring the old content back. It took a long time, and while it all still needs work , I can finally report some progress: A lot of the old content has been brought back. Some of it, especially posts of the brief "hosted on tumblr" era this blog had, that were just video reposts, did not make it. But a lot made it.
LinBits 42: Weekly Linux Phone news / media roundup (week 16)
It's sunday. Now what happened since last sunday?
PineTime, Maui and Geary hit milestones, a first PinePhone Beta Edition Unboxing and more! Commentary in italics.
LinBits 41: Weekly Linux Phone news / media roundup (week 15)
It's sunday. Now what happened since last sunday?
Phosh and Squeekboard, Manjaro, DanctNIX and OpenSUSE see new releases, PINE64 show more PinePhone accessories and more! Commentary in italics.
LinBits 40: Weekly Linux Phone news / media roundup (week 14)
It's sunday. Now what happened since last sunday?
A new postmarketOS Tweak tool, Shortwave 2.0, JingOS on Smartphones and more! Commentary in italics.
LinBits 39: Weekly Linux Phone news / media roundup (week 13)
It's sunday. Now what happened since last sunday?
A new postmarketOS beta release, great DanctNIX changes, GTK4, Sxmo and Phosh releases and Nemo Mobile progress! Commentary in italics.
LinBits 38: Weekly Linux Phone news / media roundup (week 12)
It's sunday. Now what happened since last sunday?
New DanctNIX and Fedora image releases, GNOME 40 on the PinePhone, PureOS Byzantium and more. Commentary in italics.