Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (28/2022): New Manjaro betas, Sailfish OS supporting VoLTE and RkVDEC progress
PinePhone Keyboard hacks, a nice FSFE interview, and a far to long comment on a video. I blame YouTube.
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (27/2022): Summertime or postmarketOS on Pixel 3
Not too much to highlight this week, but there are some nice podcasts to listen too and some videos to watch!
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (26/2022): Plasma Mobile Gear 22.06, Ubuntu Touch OTA-23 and the MNT Pocket Reform
Extensions coming to GNOME Web, some new Sailfish OS Community News, NOKIA causes a naming dispute and more!
Weekly #MobilePOSIX Update (25/2022): Better Processing in Megapixels and another report on the PinePhone Pro Cameras
The usual development progress, another nice Q&A video by UBports and DOOM on a Modem!
Weekly #LinuxPhone Update (24/2022): postmarketOS 22.06 and other software progress
Call me a postmarketOS shill or don't, Modem and Modem Firmware news, and a lot more!
Two Years of Life with PinePhone
On June 9th, 2020, early into a still raging pandemic, I received my PinePhone UBports Community Edition. It's incredible how fast these two years went by, and how much the PinePhone experience improved in the meantime. This is just a subjective post about what I remember, you may also consider it a "two year revival blog post"!
Weekly #LinuxPhone Update (23/2022): Linux on Apple A7-A8X, flaws in U-Boot and the number 100
A new Manjaro Phosh Beta, videos about Phosh on tablets and its upcoming gestures, and another Ubuntu Touch Q&A!