LinBits 7: Weekly PinePhone news / media roundup (week 34)
Table of Contents
It's sunday. Now what happened since last sunday?
This is what happened around the PinePhone this week. Commentary in italics.
Software: releases and improvements
- New Arch Linux ARM release. Gnome Camera, Geary and Gnome Usage have been added, sudo is now a thing, and lz4 compression for zram is now available, making the zram-feature more useful. Also, there is a barebones image for all those who want to build their own little fun distro atop arch.
- Manjaro have released images with Phosh that feature Anbox preinstalled. Unfortunately, with
currently broken in Manjaro (and Arch), this is nothing more than a demo on which you can't really install apps without jumping through a ton of hoops. At least Manjaro comes with a swap partition by design, which certainly helps. - Scardracs, fellow Italian blogger, has picked up Fedora for the PinePhone and released a couple builds this week on a Telegram channel.
- EmacsはOS. Unfortunately, there don't seem to be any images to just simply get this up and running. It seems to be an amalgam of Arch Linux ARM, sway, Squeekboard, Waybar and Emacs.
Worth reading
- Blogger Bust: How To Update U-Boot For PostmarketOS On The Pine Phone . This is a really technical long read, but it is totally worth your time.
- SailfishOS Forums: Changes needed to merge the project names to Sailfish OS. Jolla is going to turn off a lot of their infrastructure, including build servers, in the process of moving projects over to GitHub. This will affect the open source base project Mer, which has been in the process of being rebranded to Sailfish; and thus affect projects like NemoMobile which are based on Mer and share the infrastructure. It is also likely to negatively affect SailfishOS community ports. Sad.
- FOSSphones: How to Change Operating Systems on Your PinePhone. Helpful!
- Phoronix: Mozilla's Incredible Speech-To-Text Engine Is At Risk Following Layoffs. Another sad bit of fall-out from the Mozilla Layoffs, which might impact Speech-to-Text solutions for the Pinephone.
Worth watching
- silver: Installing silvercam on a PinePhone.
- John Sullivan: Void on pinephone demo. Great watch, nice to see that the HP Lap Dock x3 works with the PinePhone.
- Дмитрий Куртуков: Inside PINEPHONE keyboard. A look at how the keyboard that we've seen a couple times now has been hacked together.
- PizzaLovingNerd: 6 Essential Ubuntu Touch Apps. A great, well produced little video, featuring some must-have apps for Ubuntu Touch.
- TWiT Tech Podcast Network: The Linux-Based PinePhone Has DIP Switches. It's always great to see more mainstream outlets pick up on the PinePhone.
- Howto: Privacy & Infosec: Pinephone Killswitch Tool- Household Item!. How to kill-switch!
- Camden Bruce: Running a Java Minecraft server off a pinephone, Running a SuperTuxKart server off a pinephone. Yes, the PinePhone is just another Linux computer, so it totally can run your Minecraft or SuperTuxKart server.
Coming up
- debconf 20, the 21st Debian annual conference is starting today, with a ton of interesting talks. Watch out for this one on Wednesday if you like Phosh.
- Linux Plumbers Conference happens from August 24th to 28th. On Friday, the 28th at 15:30 UTC Bushan Shah will give a talk about Plasma on Mobile devices.
Stuff I did
- I failed to build Maliit on Arch Linux ARM and at getting Lomiri to run on Manjaro.
- Also, not much progress on the App List/App DB front. I am really not sure how to set this up — as a part of this blog or as a seperate thing, maybe running Wiki software to make adding apps easier for those who are not familiar with GitHub? I hope I will figure this out this week.
- At least I managed to upload two videos.
- That's not all I want to do, I will try to test some Android apps in Anbox on camera, namely Whatsapp and NewPipe. I might try GloDroid 0.3.0 finally, and then someone on reddit told me about SPURV, an effort to run Android 9 alongside Wayland by Collabora, for which they really picked a bad announcement date with April Fools day. Unfortunately, building SPURV appears to be a bit beyond my abilities, so I hope I can avoid wasting time on it.