Another week has almost passed, here's what happened: postmarketOS shares plans for adding systemd and immutability, a Sailfish OS community roundup, a Newsletter by UBports, some progress on working phone calls on the PinePhone Pro, Akademy talks uploaded on PeerTube, Valve seemingly invested in Proton on ARM platforms, and more!

Commentary in italics.

Worth Reading

Worth Watching

Worth Noting

More Software News

Gnome Ecosystem


Plasma Ecosystem

Sailfish OS

Ubuntu Touch


The enclave is essentially intended to be a way for us to PGP-sign packages with a single signing key instead of how we do it right now, which is with one personal key per packager. It will not benefit Proton or the anti-cheat situation in any way and is completely unrelated.





Mobile Gaming on a Linux handheld


Huge thanks to Plata for the nifty set of Python scripts that speed up collecting links from feeds by a lot.

Something missing? Want to contribute?

If your project's cool story (or your awesome video or nifty blog post or ...) is missing and you don't want that to happen again, please just put it into the hedgedoc pad for the next one! Since I am collecting many things there, this get's you early access if you will ;-) If you just stumble on a thing, please put it in there too - all help is appreciated!