Newsletter Sept 27th
9/27/24, 06:58


      Dear Community

      Hello again and welcome to the latest newsletter,

      All things FP5 have moved along a lot recently with quite a few things fixed  and working. These include the following

      fixed vgrid units
      adb, mtp and usb
      Modem is up
      Sound and video decoding works
      vibrationaidl added to hfd-service
      auto brightness
      mobile data and calls

      Many of the parts for voLTE have also no been merged but have not yet reached our devel update channel yet.

      Work is being finished to make the FairPhone 5 available on the installer and as we know many of you are looking forward to this port we will let you know as soon as it is available.

      We intend to show the FairPhone 5 at the up coming Ubuntu Summit in the Hague so if you are there please come and look us up to find out more. 


      Special Volla Phone Quintus perks available now

      The special offers or perks from our friends at Volla Phone for their Ubuntu Touch version of the new Volla Phone Quintus are up and running.

      Order a Volla Phone Quintus with UT pre-installed by using the code Q4UBPORTS on the Volla store for those in Europe.

      Outside of Europe you need to chose the "secret" Perk on Indigogo, revealed only when picking a perk by using this link 

      You have until 15th of October to take up these offers so don't hang about and go take a look.

      Promoted Devices Webpage 

      We now have a new webpage for our promoted devices. If you have not found it already you can find it here. Please go and have a look, we are very pleased with it and there will be plenty more updates to our website to follow over the next few weeks.

      A big thank you to everyone involved in this on going project.


      [ALPHA] Mimi Browser

      A WebKit browser

      Alfred E. Neumayer

      There has been a lot of chat and discussion across our Forum and TELEport channels about alternatives to our Morph browser over quite a period of time. Well after a a few heavy hints at first and then demonstrations of progress on our Q&As Alfred Neumayers Mimi browser is available from the OpenStore.

      Alfred has stressed, so will we and so does the OpenStore, very clearly
      that this is very much an ALPHA release. Many features are still missing and or not yet working including:

      - Video playback - Pinch-to-zoom - Copy-paste - Camera support - Incognito mode - Missing settings and customization

      That stated so far there have been 347 downloads, we have seen comments on webpages opening that would not on Morph and a general positive response from users across a range of devices. This very positive feed back for the WebKit based browser points towards a positive future ahead for Mimi.

      There is a lot of work and updates to come before Mimi is ready for everyday use but we think it is well worth you taking the time to give this alpha version a try.

      If you would like to support Alfreds work on this app or his many others, or for that matter the work of any of our app developers keep an eye out for the information on the OpenStore page for a link or use the popup that appears when you start to download an app. We are sure it will be appreciated.

      Why not use a space like this in the newsletter to tell your fellow Community members all about your Ubuntu Touch and UBports experience. Just send an article for the newsletter to

      The next Ubuntu Touch Q&A will be our 150th and will take place this Saturday the 28th of September on our YouTube channel at 19:00 UTC

      Yes that is 150 editions of our Q&A since the project began all those years ago. We would like to make this one a bit special so don't forget to join us live on YouTube and please get those questions in as we love getting and answering them.

      #UbuntuTouch Q&A 148 blog and audio now available

      #UBports #UBportsQandA #Ubuntu #Opensource #mobileLinux

      Apps and more

       Yari Ka!

      A simple but powerful although useless app.

      Kugi Euseb

      Ambot Installer: Hacks and Mods

      A simple but powerful installer of fun, useful but possibly dangerous hacks and mods.

      Kugi Eusebio 

      Supporting Ubuntu Touch and UBports


      There are many ways you can help and support UT and UBports. 

      One of these is in the UBports Shop where you can buy yourself or someone else a Ubuntu Touch, UBports shaped gift.

      Another is by making a donation. One at a time or on a more regular basis. No matter how large or small, please remember they are very much appreciated and that you are helping directly the development of UT!

      You can also donate something else which is as equally valued by us, your time and enthusiasm. If you would like to get involved please do. If you are not already on the Forum it is a great place to start. There are many other ways you can help your fellow UBports Community members so please join in and lets us know how you want to help at

      Our Sponsors

      Website :  www.ubports.comEmail Us On :