Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (10/2023): Double Digits already
Three Mobian blog posts, a Sailfish Community News Round Up, and another write-up on cameras by Martijn Braam!
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (9/2023): Phosh 0.25.0, a first service pack for postmarketOS 22.12, and new modem firmware!
Also: Another PINE64 Community Update summing up progress and informing us of PineTab2 pricing,
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (8/2023): Snapdragon 845 improvements and usage reports
Don't worry, there's more: Reports by NemoMobile and Maui, an easier way to playback DRM content on 64-bit ARM on Manjaro and Arch, plus the usual weekly guests.
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (7/2023): New Hardware and new PinePhone Keyboard Firmware
Also: A fix for PinePhone Mesa troubles, a new Manjaro Phosh beta, a new postmarketOS splashscreen, a guide to developing mobile apps with a nested Phosh session, a new Tokodon release and an association Peter might join._
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (6/2023): Work on dozing support for GNOME Settings daemon and more FOSDEM 2023 talk recordings
Also: Purism shipping a better WiFi card in future Librem 5 units, Lomiri now all packaged up in Debian unstable, more Sailfish 4.5 release content, Mobian shipping a working PinePhone Pro camera and "generic" Snapdragon 845 images + an image for the Fairphone 4. And do listen to that podcast!
Attending FOSDEM 2023 for fun and profit
On February 4th and 5th 2023, I attended FOSDEM for the first time. It was a blast, and this is a report on how it went.
Convergent Windows for KDE Plasma
KDE Plasma windows work well on large screens and can also be tailored for mobile devices. But what if an external screen is connected to a mobile device?