MCF04: Overcoming a hurdle
One of the reasons I decided to not just contribute, but also blog about what I do, is that I tend to forget important details. It happened again, so here's the detail I forgot - it's to not misread an instruction.
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (11/2024): Q&A's and Community Updates
PINE64 is back with a Community Update after a long hiatus, a new Ubuntu Touch Q&A, a postmarketOS progress report, the new PinePhone WiFi driver gets accepted, Plasma Mobile 6.0.2 makes Plasma Mobile even more worth trying, and a lot more!
Push notifications in (mobile) Linux
An introduction into push notifications, why we want it on Linux, and an overview over the current options.
MCF03: Overdue failures
Last time things were looking great, this time... I should have blogged more, and tried less maybe. Staying focussed is key to success, they say.
MCF02: First shave some Yaks
First: It's amazing, my MR (well, plural) got merged already! Thanks user0 and ollieparanoid! I figured it might be important to get to a sane setup early on.
MCF01: The what, the why and a first MR
This is the first post in an attempt to start a series of blog posts about how one works through making something work, inspired by flypig and piggz.
It's about a project I contributed to earlier, mobile-config-firefox.
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (10/2024): postmarketOS adds systemd and Phosh 0.37.0
Also: Some Sailfish OS Community news, a new blog series on Ofono things, a DanctNIX release, and more!