It's sunday. Now what happened since last sunday?

A new postmarketOS beta release, great DanctNIX changes, GTK4, Sxmo and Phosh releases and Nemo Mobile progress! Commentary in italics.

Software development and releases

Worth noting

April Foolery (no spoilers)

Worth reading

Worth listening

Worth watching

Stuff I did


None, sorry.


I switched my install over to postmarketOS edge this week, because I finally wanted to experience that EG25-manager goodness, only to see it landing hours later on DanctNIX. I will likely go back eventually, but for now I want to play with postmarketOS a bit more.


I added four apps to LINMOBapps: Sums, a calculator; Characters, an Emoji picker; Mousai, a Shazam clone; and Tubefeeder, a GTK+Rust YouTube client. Make sure to check them all out! See here what (else) happened. Please do contribute!