It's sunday. Now what happened since last sunday?

Manjaro Lomiri Alpha 1, GloDroid 0.4.0, more camera improvements and a ton of videos. Commentary in italics.

Software releases and improvements

  • GloDroid 0.4.0. The Android port is progressing. They have also released an early build of Android 11, and bauner in the Pine64 forums is working on enabling GSM and GPS.
  • megapixels has seen a lot of progress and now has a really fast viewfinder, takes pictures at 5 megapixels, rendering the PinePhone back camera a lot more usable. The front camera also works in postmarketOS now, but it is very dim currently and only usable in daylight.
  • Manjaro Lomiri Alpha 1 has been released. I have made a little video demoing the release. 1

Other Hardware 1

  • bunnie:studios, run by the famous bunny who created awesome hardware like the open source Novena laptop, have announced a new handheld device. It's called "Precursor" and is going to be sold on Crowdsupply. If you are looking for a faster device than the PinePhone, this FPGA-based device likely is not for you. But it should be more secure.

Worth reading

Worth watching

Android Corner

Dev streaming corner

Gaming corner

Privacy corner

Stuff I did

  • I finally migrated my blog over to different hosting. It still uses Jekyll, but should be GDPR compliant now. Sadly, this will negatively impact my GitHub activity statistics. ;-)
  • On friday I received my postmarketOS CE convergence package PinePhone and made an unboxing video.
  • I tried to build some more software. Social took long to build, but I could not authorize it to use it with my Mastodon account. Also, I build GNOME Maps 3.38, which works a lot better on the PinePhone than the previous version. What's notable: The new PinePhone ran a lot cooler than my UBports CE while building these apps.

The link to my Lomiri video, the Other Hardware section and last Worth Reading link were added after initial publication on Monday, September 21st at 8:14 AM CEST.