
  • Another device

    Well, I'm pretty sure that you're able to guess, what I did. I just got my self another Linux-based cellphone. Yes, it supports WLan. Correct, it is the E28 E2831.

  • A910 again

    After long time without writing about freeing the A910s WLan, I'm writing again.

  • New stuff...

    No, it's not that I have got working WiFi on my A910 now, but I have got some other news:

    This weekend I managed to try out OpenMoko on my Motorola A780 via ezx-boot-usb. Works nicely.

  • Short update

    Recently, I did some work on CG44, and tried to flash it into my A910—size was correct, and no, i did not forget to ad 1000xff file header. But: It didn't work. After flashing, my phone didn't start up.

  • A910 and CGs

    Today I found the time to get back onto A910 modding. I managed to get to know some things, and after writing this I'll go on with research.

  • An email with helpful information

    As I haven't posted here for nearly a month, I will now quote an email I got by a guy I contacted. All copyrights go to him, I haven't had time to test his explanations, but maybe it helps some of you that want their A910 to connect to every wireless network._

  • Motorola A910: Checking out firmware

    Introduction: Motorola A910 is a Linux Phone which features WiFi for UMA purposes. The problem with this WiFi is, that it only works with certain networks. As (most) software for Motorola E2 works, I checked out lots of sites to learn about modifying firmware.