Another device
Well, I'm pretty sure that you're able to guess, what I did. I just got my self another Linux-based cellphone. Yes, it supports WLan. Correct, it is the E28 E2831.
A910 again
After long time without writing about freeing the A910s WLan, I'm writing again.
New stuff...
No, it's not that I have got working WiFi on my A910 now, but I have got some other news:
This weekend I managed to try out OpenMoko on my Motorola A780 via ezx-boot-usb. Works nicely.
Short update
Recently, I did some work on CG44, and tried to flash it into my A910—size was correct, and no, i did not forget to ad 1000xff file header. But: It didn't work. After flashing, my phone didn't start up.
A910 and CGs
Today I found the time to get back onto A910 modding. I managed to get to know some things, and after writing this I'll go on with research.
An email with helpful information
As I haven't posted here for nearly a month, I will now quote an email I got by a guy I contacted. All copyrights go to him, I haven't had time to test his explanations, but maybe it helps some of you that want their A910 to connect to every wireless network._
Motorola A910: Checking out firmware
Introduction: Motorola A910 is a Linux Phone which features WiFi for UMA purposes. The problem with this WiFi is, that it only works with certain networks. As (most) software for Motorola E2 works, I checked out lots of sites to learn about modifying firmware.