Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (41/2024): Successful moves and XMPP calling
This Week: postmarketOS moved to their own gitlab, a new app for XMPP calls, Plasma 6.2 bringing Alpine apks to Discover, improved Kirigami Addons, news from the GNOME Foundation, updates to user0's Mobile Friendly Firefox customizations and more!
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (40/2024): Phosh 0.'Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything'.0
postmarketOS reports progress and moves to self-hosted gitlab instance, another Ubuntu Touch Q&A, a plethora of blog posts worth reading, fwupd 2.0, KDE app progress, PINE64 is still alive, a quaterly update by, and more!
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (39/2024): ARM Gaming Edition
Another week has almost passed, here's what happened: postmarketOS shares plans for adding systemd and immutability (and what they've accomplished in September), a Sailfish OS community roundup, a Newsletter by UBports, some progress on working phone calls on the PinePhone Pro, Akademy talks uploaded on PeerTube, Valve seemingly invested in Proton on ARM platforms, and more!
Augmenting my postmarketOS installs with my own Alpine repos
To finally have a post that isn't the weekly MobilePOSIX fun ride, let's share some experiences. This is likely quite wrong and not the right way, so don't take this as a how-to.
They say you should always learn the tools first, as it makes things easier. This is true. But in my reality I often find myself at a point where I am in a "I want to do this now" or "I've got 30 minutes, how far can I get in that time?" situation, and I have to decide between: "Can I half-ass this somehow, or is it just impossible right now?".
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (38/2024): GNOME 47 and updates on Plasma Apps
Purism releasing the Librem 5's mechanical design + Crimson funding details, a new app to connect all the (GNOMEy) screens + lots of app related news, Sailfish OS, and more! Enjoy!
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (37/2024): libadwaita 1.6 and doas instead of sudo
This week, even nicer widgets for GNOME apps have been released, postmarketOS
ruin you muscle memoryswitch to doas and release another excellent podcast episode, Ubuntu Touch has another Community Q&A, a new instance of Sailfish Community News, and more! -
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (36/2024): Bug fix releases and Mimi Browser
Tired after a one-day trip to Akademy: systemd on musl libc, Ubuntu Touch gets an alpha WPE WebKit powered browser, a Phosh bug fix release, and progress on cameras, OpenCL, and more!