Thanks for all the kind and nice interactions at FOSDEM, especially at the Linux on Mobile stand!

With FOSDEM, a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate in Brussels, Belgium, approaching (1st & 2nd February 2025), let's have a little preview on the talks and other things that are particularly exciting for #LinuxMobile.

The "FOSS on Mobile Devices" Track/Developer Room.

Like the last three years, there's a specific room for 'FOSS on Mobile' - just half a day this time, starting at 14:55 and closing at 19:00.

All talks of the track happen in Room H.2214 (Map) on Saturday afternoon, February 1st, 2025 - the first half of the day you can attend talks about the Android Open Source Project in the same room. Every talk in the FOSS on Mobile Devices track is 10 to 20 minutes short.

Make sure to check the Talk pages for links to chat rooms (Matrix) and live streams:

Other Tracks








Also on Sunday: Meet up at 14:00!



14:00 (see also)


Other Talk recommendations

Jean-Luc from CNX-Software has shared a nice list:

Of course, there's a lot more, make sure to browse the full schedule on the Web or in an app like Kongress or Confy.

Suggestions beyond the obvious? Please get in touch and tell :D


Now let's continue with what's mostly interesting for those who can make it to Burssels. Stands, where projects can showcase their stuff - and where you can go to and see or discuss things :-)

In building K, level 1 we'll have:

And in building AW, level 1 (at the opposite end of campus), you can find:

While you are in AW, make sure to check out the stands of KDE and GNOME, which may or may not show-case their mobile variants.

PINE64 does not have a stand this year, see January Update: Thinking Out Of The Vox - PINE64.

Also, if you attend in person, let's not forget what FOSDEM is for: The hallway track, talking to people, making connections, having your mind blown :-)

Evening Events

FOSDEM always has dinner to party style events in the evenings. That said, not being part of the official schedule, they can be hard to find, meaning: I have no idea, yet, and likely not enough mental bandwidth to update this page during the event. The one event I know about is this one:

Let's meet and get a sticker

I (Peter) will attend again. You'll find me at the stands (not during the time the FOSS on Mobile Dev Room takes place, and not all the time, but I plan to be there), where you can also grab a sticker or two.

As the stands have been crowded in the past, I would like to hold a small, calm meetup on Sunday, Febuary 2nd, 14:00 / 2:00pm, meeting at roughly this place outdoors (OSM) / nav and then finding a place inside the cafeteria. It would be nice to meet some people I only know from the internet, so please come by!